Friday, May 10, 2019

Gilgamesh, Socrates, and Malcolm X can be thought of as on quests, a Essay - 1

Gilgamesh, Socrates, and Malcolm X can be thought of as on call fors, a hunt for something. What was each ones quest and what did each discover - Essay Exampled that Socrates was in search for the meaning of biographySocrates spent his life searching for questions more than for answers (The Ontario Curriculum 89). Finally, Malcolm X was in quest for freedom from bondage, prejudice and discrimination of African Americans with Islam (Siddiqui).Gilgamesh discovered that in that location is no permanence life ends in death. Socrates discovered that he does not know anything except that he does not know anything and that there is no truth except that there is no truth (The Ontario Curriculum 90). Malcolm X, finally discovered through his pilgrimage to Mecca, the true Islam. According to Tristam, Malcolm X rediscovered brotherhood and equality through abandoning racial separatism (Tristam). Their discoveries freed them from a life full of queries and ultimately led them to enlightenmen t and what life has in store for each of

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